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發表於 : 週二 2月 21, 2017 2:12 pm
Hold an opponent to catch an opponent
 One of the distinctive features of aikido is that it is not just used in one-on-one situations but can also be used when facing many opponents. If you are facing multiple attackers it is of course important to maintain your own strong posture, but it is also important to be able to perceive the situation of your opponents.

 Each opponent who is facing you is also concentrating on the person opposite him, so his attention is divided. That weakness is where you attack. If you move forward and offer yourself for attack, your opponents will be affected by that and will simultaneously come forward to attack as well, but a tiny time-lag will appear between each of those attacks. If you jump forward at whoever is fastest, and turn your body correctly, that first person will bump into the person opposite him, and they will become confused. Basically, that is the principle of “hold an opponent to catch an opponent.” In this way you can create confusion even if there are a group of people facing you.

 In the above scene, as you change direction without stopping your movement, your circular body movements will have a great effect. Because of the necessity to react quickly, atemi can be used in many ways as you make your attack.

 By moving forward yourself, all of your opponents will also com toward you. At that point, by turning your body you are able to confuse them.





譯者:武少林功夫學苑/武少林合氣道場 謝小鳳
*中文翻譯僅供參考,請以TOTAL AIKIDO內文為主。