A Real Irimi Will Make Dori Vanish in The Front of Uke. It Is a Kind of Technique, Not a Magic.
You are in the front of uke and you are also in the space where uke is unaware. It is irimi in aikido. The fighting in aikido always comes to end at the beginning and the rest is to get rid of uke. A real irimi doesn’t be observed. That is, you can vanish in the front of uke even if he looks at you. The topic of this article is to discuss the principles and requirements of the irimi in aikido, which is one of most important secrets and mysterious techniques.
A real irimi means the whole body moves to the space around uke. It can be powerful like a mountain or gentle like flowing water. Uke can feel and see dori but can’t stop dori to irimi. At the moment of irimi, uke loses his mind to fight against dori.
Generally, Irimi means dori moves to the blind spot of uke and meanwhile strikes or controls uke. In aikido, irimi is similar but somewhat different with general case. The purpose of irimi is to get together with uke and so is atemi whose purpose is getting balance and connection with uke by destroying uke’s center line or balance instead of striking uke.
Both purposes of atemi and irimi are to get together with uke and then make uke lose his power and mind of strike. What aikido wants is peace and not destroying or controlling uke by pure force. Of cause, absolutely high technique and skill are necessary and it is what we want when we get training hardly.
The principles of irimi in aikido
1. At the beginning of irimi, move your weight to the front foot and then move your step.
2. Don’t move before you are almost stricken and the stable foot with most weight is necessary when moving your step.
3. Cover the action of irimi (or protect yourself) with atemi.
4. Find out the blind spot of uke where is unaware generally.
5. Irimi is not strike. It is like flowing water and unaware of by uke.
6. Get the same direction with uke, especially your heart and mind.
版主: james1972
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