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2011年 武少林之第一堂外國師範的課_新竹合氣道場_洪淑芬

發表於 : 週二 10月 22, 2013 6:53 pm
The first class with foreign teacher in Wu-Shao-Lin Aikido dojo    Shufen Hung

I feel so lucky that I attended this lesson!
This was the first time for Wu- Shao-Lin Aikido dojo to invite a foreign teacher to give lessons. I think this should also be the first time for most of members to attend a foreign teacher's class. Although this was not my first time to attend foreign teacher's class, however, it was the first time for me to be instructed from foreign teacher in our own dojo.

Date:Dec. 21, 2011. Wednesday PM.7: 30 ~ 9:00
Location:Taichung dojo of Wu-Shao-Lin Aikido
Instructor:Mutsuko Minegishi Shihan, 7th Dan

上課時間:100.12.21 星期三 PM.7:30~9:00
上課師範:峰岸睦子 師範,七段

「#%&*」,這是一個日文發音的詞,在 峰岸師範帶領做完熱身之後,她伸出單手抓住一位學員的手時所說的詞。當下,我翻尋腦海裡所知的合氣道日文字彙……完了!這個字,是啥!?……我沒印象!



坦白說,我到現在還是不確定 峰岸師範所說的那個日文字是什麼?只記得尾音有「shi」,是「ashi」、「otoshi」還是「kuzushi」?










感謝 峰岸師範
去年在越南河內的研習上第一次見到師範時,就驚覺不可思議:「這位70歲的老奶奶,身手好靈活喔!」得知她是位七段的指導師範時,更是充滿疑問:「嬌小的女性,真的可以練就有功力的武術嗎?」因為那一場研習人數有400多人,所以跟師範練習的時間並不長,但 師範親切耐心的指導,一直深留在我腦海裡。

今年,我們道館主辦福爾摩莎合氣道研習,邀請 峰岸師範前來指導授課,並在研習前先到我們的道館上課。這真的是一堂很特別、很寶貴的課!因為就只針對我們道館的學員而已。看到 師範專注認真的了解我們的問題後,細心、耐心的反覆教導我們,就像我們都是她的孩子一樣。我心中著實很感動……合氣道的力量真偉大!而且在這一堂課中,我感受到 師範內在強大的力量了!這給了我希望:原來嬌小的女性也可以練就功力。

謝謝 峰岸師範不辭千里,從關島飛來台灣與我們相處一週的時間。謝謝您,認真看待我們的問題,然後樂意幫助我們!

愧對 馮老師
當課堂上 峰岸師範面露不可思議的神情,並糾正我們的動作時,我覺得好難過、好慚愧…不是因為自己的自尊,而是自己身為學生竟然讓老師蒙羞了。其實,師範所強調的動作與觀念,這些在平常上課時 老師就已經教過,並常常糾正我們…可是,我們沒有練好…日復一日,技法依然不扎實。

「練習、練習、再練習…」這是 老師常常耳提面命的叮嚀。經過了這一堂課,我重新思考了自己練習合氣道的方式:當老師將所知教給你之後,沒有經過大量的練習,這些東西不會成為你身體的一部分;當練習所學的武術時,沒有經過思考的練習,將也只是徒具外型的運動罷了!一步一步,穩紮穩打,才能奠定良好的基礎啊!


Re: 2011年 武少林之第一堂外國師範的課_新竹合氣道場_洪淑芬

發表於 : 週二 10月 22, 2013 7:01 pm

The first class with foreign teacher in Wu-Shao-Lin Aikido dojo    Shufen Hung

I feel so lucky that I attended this lesson!
This was the first time for Wu- Shao-Lin Aikido dojo to invite a foreign teacher to give lessons. I think this should also be the first time for most of members to attend a foreign teacher's class. Although this was not my first time to attend foreign teacher's class, however, it was the first time for me to be instructed from foreign teacher in our own dojo.

Date:Dec. 21, 2011. Wednesday PM.7: 30 ~ 9:00
Location:Taichung dojo of Wu-Shao-Lin Aikido
Instructor:Mutsuko Minegishi Shihan, 7th Dan

Beginning with shock!
"#%&*," this is a Japanese pronunciation of the word. The word was said by Minegishi sensei, when she grasped a student’s hand after the warm-up. At that moment, I checked over all Aikido terms I could remember in my mind ... ... oh, no!What was the word!? ... I got no impression!

" #%&*, " First student was stunned, and got no idea what techniques to apply. Minegishi sensei repeated the word again and again; then, second, third student ... including me ... , we actually did not know the meaning of the word. Minegishi sensei guided us with hand gestures, so I guess it should be "the chi of tenchi nage". However, no matter how we applied, sensei still did not move, and continued repeating the word " #%&* ", " #%&* " ...

Sensei was shaking up, and her incredibility showed on her face, asked "So what techniques you can do?" "Ikkyo, nikyo ... irimi-nage ..." I answered her with the ten techniques thoroughly. Therefore, sensei changed other techniques to explain, and then slowly led into the beginning concept she wanted to express.

To be honest, I’m still not sure what meaning of the Japanese word? I only could remember the ending sound of the word is "shi". Is it "ashi", "otoshi" or "kuzushi"?

What I learned from the lesson?
◎ Aikido terms
I heard the world's Aikido classes, in addition to Taiwan, pronounce Aikido techniques in Japanese. Last year, in order to participate in the seminar of Hanoi in Vietnam, so I tried to find out Aikido terms from many Japanese books, and made a Chinese-Japanese list of Aikido terms after comparing to the pictures of books. Hoped everyone could practice it in class. However, I knew it still lacked so much after this class. If we want to exchange and practice with other Aikido practitioners of different countries, we have to change the habit of pronouncing Aikido techniques in Chinese.

◎ No brute force, relax the body
In the beginning of the class, Minegishi sensei demonstrated the situation when the attacker grasped the sh’te’s hand by gyakuhanmi-katatedori, and how could sh'te make attacker lose balance and break down? When all students (sh'te) were trying to move to the back outside of the attacker (Minegishi sensei), they found sensei was still steady. No influence on her. That was because we had paid much attention to the hand which was caught when we moved, so causing shrug, the body becoming stiff, and dragging the attacker only used the strength of hand.

Sensei had emphasized the point of "relax." When you could really relax, no matter how hard the attacker to grab your hand, your body could still move freely. He grabbed your hand rather than your body. You should move forward by your whole body, and destroyed the attacker's balance.

◎ Aiki and breath
Let your body be filled with ki, so when you perform techniques, the ki will flow out of your body and combine with the attack, affecting the attacker, rather than the hard power of repression. Do not hold your breath, the ki can flow freely only under breathing naturally. Once hold your breath, it is easy to use muscle strength,
because you interrupt the flow of ki.

For example, when the sh’te was grasped by gyakuhanmi-katatedori, you have to keep your fingers opened in a relaxed state so that the ki can flow through each fingertip. If not, your body will resist with the opponent for the catch of hand.

◎The position of the irimi and destroy the opponent's balance
What technique you could do? It depends on the position of the irimi. For example, to perform the shomen-uchi irimi-nage, if you did not enter into the back outside of the opponent's body, then you could not destroy the balance of opponent’s body. So you could not perform the technique of irimi-nage. At the moment, maybe applied the kote-gaeshi nage would be more appropriate.

After the shomen-uchi irimi-nage, sensei guided us back to the beginning of grasping by gyakuhanmi-katatedori. When those students were moving toward the back outside of sensei, why they could not affect the balance of sensei? In addition to the reason of hand-pull force, another reason was that the wrong angle of irimi. The attacker had to maintain the body balance by his two feet, but when we entered into the back outside of his body and to be his third leg, it would be formed a triangle. Then when we lowered the third leg down, the attacker would lose his balance of body and falling down.

◎ Chin is powerful, so it is not an correct way to wrap the chin or cheeks of the opponent when applying the technique of irimi-nage.

◎ concept of centerline
Whether sh’te or uke, from the top of head until the feet, must have the concept of the center line there. For the sh’te, to maintain the centerline at any time could ensure that applying throughout the body, instead of using hand force. For the uke, the body would move forward unsteadily as making an attack if there was no center line, and would break down the balance easily by the sh’te. In particular, many students always hung down their heads when they were applied the techniques. Therefore, there was no need for sh’te to apply any technique, just hit the head.

◎ Ukemi
Ukemi is not just falling down directly with the buttocks. If you do that, your body could not leave the ground quickly. Instead, you should hold on your hip, and sliding your outer leg back, let the instep toward the ground, then falling down. After landing the ground as the seesaw, the other foot should stand up immediately in order to continue attack.

What was I thinking?
Many thanks to Minegishi sensei:
I still remember the feeling of surprise when I saw Minegishi sensei at the first time at the Aikido seminar of Hanoi in Vietnam last year. How vigorous the 70-year-old grandmother is! When I knew she was a shihan of 7th dan, my heart was full of questions:"Does a small woman can really get the great skill of the martial art?" I could not practice a long time with sensei, because there were more than 400 people attending the seminar. However, I was very impressed by her instruction of patience and friendliness.

This year, we hosted the Formosa Aikido Seminar and Demonstration, and invited Minegishi sensei to come for giving instruction. Before the seminar, she came to our dojo first for giving us lessons. It was really a very special, very valuable lesson! Because it only for our students of dojo. Sensei focused on our problems seriously, and demonstrated the techniques patiently and repeatedly, as we were her children. It really touched my heart ... ... the power of Aikido really great! During this lesson, I felt a powerful force within her! This gave me hope that a small woman could also be a skillful person of martial art.

Thank you, Minegishi sensei, for you had to endure thousands of miles, and flying from Guam to Taiwan to get together with us for a week. Thank you very much for regarding our problem seriously, and willing to help us!

Bring dishonor to Feng sensei
When the incredibility showed on Minegishi sensei’s face, and corrected our actions, I felt sorry and embarrassed ... not because of the self-esteem, but for bringing shame on my teacher. In fact, those concepts of movements that Minegishi sensei emphasized had taught by Feng sensei in our normal class. He often corrected us ... but we did not practice well ... day after day, technique is still not correct.

〝Practice, practice, and practice…〞Feng sensei always said that again and again. After the class, I will rethink the way of practicing Aikido:When the teacher teaches me what he knows, those will not become part of mine if I have not practice it a lot. Without thinking about what martial art I practice, that will be nothing but like a sport! Step by step, in order to make a good foundation.

I really feel very lucky that I attended this lesson!