Good afternoon ladies gentleman. I am Winston. I want to show my talent—Aikido.
Aikido is a Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba in the 20th century.
The word “Aikido” means “the way of joining life and energy”. Aikido is a martial art for self-defense using the attacker’s own strength against himself and not opposing him with physical strength.
We are an Aikido family.
I practice Aikido with my father and sister at the Aikido training center. Aikido is a Japanese martial art. It makes me healthy and polite. Mr. Steaven Seagal does a good job in Aikido. We all like his movie that is why we started to practice it. I have practiced Aikido for two years.
My father drives me and my sister to the training center every week to learn it. It takes fifty minutes to drive to the center. It’s far, but I really like Aikido.
Aikido makes me healthier. I hope I can be strong like the America movie actor Steven Seagal.
I hope you love Aikido too. Thank you!
Our family is feeling of affinity with Aikido and Wushu for 5 years and more. We appreciates that we have learned it. It helps us a lot.
My daughter has learned Aikido for 5 years. When I saw the AD of Aikido, I expect my daughter to learn it. But the first reason of learning is simple: I hope my daughter can be healthy. So I let her to learn Aikido. But I got surprise about her behavior after learned Aikido. I worried that she might feel tired and won’t like it. But I found out that she loves it very much. Before her Aikido class, she has to go to English cram school. The cram school is very strict. The student has to correct their homework before they leave. So my daughter has to prepare a lot before she goes there. After she done the correction, then my wife or I will take her to learn Aikido. On the way, she has to finish her dinner in the same time. After finish the lesson of Aikido, she has to write her homework. It’s tired, but she loves and enjoys it. It is surprise to know the benefit of Aikido learning is more than health. My daughter has taken a contest. In the contest, all attendees need to perform her talent. She has introduced herself and made a short conversation to the teacher over there. My son joined this contest, too. Both of them got great prizes. They perform Aikido.
We’ll be happy about getting the prize. But we have to train first. Fortunately, we have a great teacher. He taught us very hard. He spends his time to help us for training. Actually, he can spend his all time of training us to relax. But he didn’t. Teacher really helps us a lot. And the teacher’s wife did, too. My daughter performs with teacher’s wife. She helps us a lot.
A healthy diet is recently popular. Many people want to be healthier. But I think they are in the wrong way. If you want to be healthy, you must take exercise. We are glad to find this Aikido way. And we are glad that we found a fantastic teacher.
Aikido helps us to have good health also to cultivate good temperament. It helps us to gather more confidence. And that’s why my daughter and son can get a good prize in the contests. Hope you can enjoy Aikido just like us.
但是我發現,她並不這麼覺得。在她學合氣道之前,她要先去一個英文補習班上課。那個英文補習班有點嚴格,在放學前,必須把所有英文作業上的文法錯誤都改正了才可以走,在課堂上表現得太差也得留下來。所以她在上課之前,必須做好萬全的準備,才不會耽誤到時間。當她下課之後,我和太太就會帶她去上合氣道。在路上,她必須吃完她的晚餐。上完合氣道之後,回到家,不能馬上睡覺,她必須完成她學校的作業。雖然有點辛苦,但是她卻很喜歡,而且也很享受它。此外,我們也十分訝異另外一件事-那就是: 合氣道所給予我們的並不是只有健康而已。
2009年 合氣道親善小天使_台中合氣道場_蔡耀寬
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