When uke grabs our dogi, by redirecting his power along his weak line, we can unbalance him by way of his knees.
Apply your energy against the weak point
In aikido we have many techniques in which we lock uke's wrist. However, simply locking out the wrist is not enough: we must also apply the technique to uke's lower body, so that uke's knee is knocked away. Thus we are able to see that the technique has had a real effect. For example, in nikajo, if we just lock the wrist and uke has sufficient strength, the technique will not be effective. If, however, we send our energy through the wrist in order to destabilize the knee, even if uke resists we will be able to unbalance him. It is perhaps possible to say that an aikido technique is where we are able to unbalance the other person even without hurting him.
In most cases, when we try to apply a technique, we concentrate only on the place where we think the control will have its effect, and often we try to apply our strength against the angle where uke’s power to resist is strongest, so that there is a clash of power. But however strong uke is, there is always one line that is weak. By redirecting the power into that line and thus turning all of uke's power back on himself, he will not be able to keep his feet (stay on balance).
In order to find that line, we must work to improve our overall sensitivity to, for example, how uke looks, his posture, balance, and so forth. In order to achieve that, it is necessary to experience many different sorts of power on our own body.
*All above are from a book " TOTAL AIKIDO"
圖1~4 當受方抓住我們的道服時,改變他的力量到他最弱的地方,如此我們可以使他的膝蓋失去平衡。
譯者:武少林功夫學苑/武少林合氣道場 謝小鳳
*中文翻譯僅供參考,請以TOTAL AIKIDO內文為主。
版主: michelle
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